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Laundry washing is still a women’s business in many households. In a survey by Stiftung Warentest, two-thirds of the participants stated that their godfather either did not want to or could not operate the washing machine. Washing your clothes is anything but complicated – or is it? Closer to the tooth, 87% of respondents admitted that they were still mystified on the wash day. Here are some answers to 7 of the most common questions:
1.) Why does not the washing machine pump out the water?
In the one, no water runs into the machine, in the other, small puddles accumulate under the machine, in the third, the water is not properly pumped out. In all these cases, the technician is called quickly. Often, however, only the water supply is blocked because a filter clogged or a hose is kinked; If water comes out at the back of the machine, too much detergent has been used or the hoses have loosened. If the washing machine no longer pumps the water properly, this is often due to a clogged lint filter or drain hose.
If there are any problems with the water during washing, you should first check the mentioned areas before ordering the specialist.

2.) Why does the washing machine spill?
If you use too much detergent or softener on a regular basis, it can lead to moldy deposits. In rare cases, dirt and germs have also settled in the rubber seals. The most common cause of washing machine defecation, however, is that it is only washed at low temperatures: Modern detergents achieve good results even at temperatures as low as 30 ° C; However, germs that accumulate in the engine room are not killed until 60 ° C. Experts therefore recommend cooking the lingerie once a month.

3.) Why do washed T-shirts stink of sweat?
If the clothes smell unpleasant after washing or if they begin to spice up shortly after getting dressed, this can be due to a dirty washing machine. But it also happens that bacteria have settled in the textile fibers, which exude fumes in heat.

4.) What is better: liquid detergent or powder?
There is no clear answer to this question. With regard to the cleaning effect, color detergents are equally good in both variants. In liquid detergents, however, bleach can not be incorporated, which is why whites or difficult stains heavy duty detergent powder is better suited. In order to increase the cleaning performance, however, with liquid detergents, the surfactant content is higher, which in turn puts a greater burden on the environment. In addition, they contain preservatives that may cause allergies. In some cases, however, powder detergent may leave traces on the laundry.
Whether liquid or powder, so there is a question of balance, which everyone must clarify for themselves.

5.) Where do the white residues on the dark laundry come from?
If white stains and streaks on the colored laundry are found after washing, these are usually washing powder residues. This happens when the dosage is too high or the drum is overcrowded. If such residues occur more often, it can also be because the water in the washing machine is not getting warm enough. The powder then does not dissolve completely. Whether this applies to your machine, you can check with a thermometer with outdoor sensor . In the case of front loaders, the thin wire of the outdoor sensor can usually be easily clamped in the rubber seal of the door.
6.) Why is not the laundry properly cleaned?
Do you have the impression that your clothes are dirtier after washing? Or are even simple stains not properly removed? This is sometimes because detergent residues have stuck to the water. The detergent compartment should therefore be cleaned occasionally. Also, the lint filter and the interior of the machine can – as already described – be dirty. Not infrequently, the reason is another: too much detergent. What sounds strange at first is the foam development, which minimizes the friction between the garments. However, this is central to the washing result.
A special phenomenon are so-called fatty lice: gray, muddy marks on clothing. They come from fat residues that settle in the washing machine. Who creams often with ointments or body lotions should therefore dose the detergent as well as if the laundry would be visibly dirty.

7.) How to clean functional underwear hygienic?
Functional underwear is characterized by fine membranes, special fibers or impregnations. That’s why you should usually wash them only at low temperatures and not as often. To get the germs out of the textiles, add 100 ml of white vinegar to the softener compartment for each wash. Since the salt content in the sweat can attack the functional underwear, sports clothing should be rinsed with water as soon as possible after wearing. Fabric softener and dryer are taboo for functional laundry.

Do you prefer solving sudokus instead of sitting in front of the washing machine? With this list you have a good handout for numerous questions that may arise on the washing day. What mistakes you should also avoid when washing clothes, you will find out in this post .
You can find even more ingenious tricks, projects, household tips and ideas in our new book, which you can order here .