Finally everything at a glance: The 82 best “brilliant tricks” summarized in a high-quality book. Here you can order it.
Because of 4 DIY fashion tricks! Strictly speaking, here you will find no less than 25 tips on what to do with scarves, shawls or T-shirts fashionably so everything. As you will see, scarves and shawls can be worn very differently and even a fashion trend from the 60s is far from extinct.
Click on the headline or the picture to get to the complete manual.
1) tie scarf
Not only the scarf itself – its color or material – but also the way you tie it contributes to the outfit. Here are 12 ways to tie a scarf.
2) Batik style
Flower Power is back! With these 3 dyeing techniques in the batik process, you can give your t-shirts a brightly colored, psychedelic touch.
3) Dress from a circle
Yes, sewing a dress can be a real challenge. But as these instructions show you, all you have to do is cut a big piece of fabric a little bit to make a great dress out of it.
4) Tie tops of cloth
This post started with tips to tie scarves tricky, and it ends with even more cleverly wrapped towels: Here you’ll find 9 different ideas about how will make a great top for the summer from a cloth.
Fashion just made by yourself! So if you’re standing next time perplexed in front closet and do not know what to wear, you might be able to help this jaunty fashion tips.
You can find even more ingenious tricks, projects, household tips and ideas in our new book, which you can order here .