Pretty much everyone was probably already in a predicament: You need a bit of rope to tie something. But the role is far too long and far and wide, neither knife nor scissors in sight. Get closer to your goal in seven-mile boots with this simple but stupidly effective trick.
If your piece of rope has a certain length, take a folding rule and miss it beforehand.
A marker helps enormously. So you know exactly where to start the next step.
Now stand on the rope so that your mark is placed in the middle. It should protrude a good deal in the air, so you have enough room for maneuver.
Now you are going through the other (free) end of the rope under the interface. Take it firmly in both hands. It helps a lot to wrap the ends around your hand once or twice for a more stable grip. Now start the cutting process by alternating pulling movements at both ends.
After just a few seconds, the “wire saw” will be effective and you have cut off the piece you want. It really could not be simpler!
Even stronger calibers can be shortened.
Et voilá: The same procedure – The same fast result.
Finally, I know how to help myself in the case. A perfect trick for anglers, campers and garden fans. But everyone else should know him. I bet you’ll be able to impress a lot of people (and get another $ 1 on a bet).