The sales of the detergent industry is constantly increasing. Every year, German households spend more than 4.6 billion euros on detergents, dishwashing detergents and floor care. Nevertheless, there are always serious hygiene problems. Researchers have now discovered on behalf of the Global Hygiene Council , which are the 10 most burdened places in the household. First of all, let’s betray it: especially in the kitchen, the germs feel comfortable.
Here are 10 of the most common dirt hiding spots you should know.

Coffee machine
“First of all a little muffin!” That’s how you hear it in many places every morning. Freshly scalded, the brown “bean soup” awakens the spirits. On the other hand, it becomes scary, if you look at the germ load of the coffee machines. Particularly in the case of the convenient capsule machines and fully automatic machines, researchers have found vast amounts of bacteria and molds in the capsule containers and drip trays. But even in the water tanks often adhered to a bacterial biofilm on the inner walls. The problem: Often the water is merely poured over and catch containers are wiped off only superficially.

Animal bowl
Who has dogs or cats, should pay particular attention to hygiene. Because animals often drive around in pretty dingy corners around, besides, they take things in the mouth that would hardly touch us. So it comes that straight feeding bowls are highly contaminated. Animal Toys is also a classic place for bugs. Therefore, one should wash out bowls once a day with hot rinse water, animal toys can in the intensive wash cycle of the dishwasher.

So many things end up in the sink: the dirt residue of the wiper, the condensation of the frozen stew, the brine of the feta cheese. No wonder examinations, even in seemingly clean specimens, were able to detect a lot, which was rather unappetizing. Highly vulnerable is the drain, where dirt films and food remains can accumulate.

Kitchen worktop
The shopping bags quickly placed on the work surface, pushed the eggshells to the side during baking, supported by the filleting hand. The kitchen surfaces are exposed daily to great stress – also in the sense of pollution. Surely it is fair to wipe them with a damp cloth after each work step, but to keep the bacterial count in check, a splash of detergent should not be missing. Who owns a wooden worktop, should also pay attention to a regular impregnation.

That the knobs and push buttons on the stove are susceptible to germs, little wonder. Nevertheless, hygiene studies found that they are usually insufficiently cleaned. This is not least because many are afraid to accidentally turn on the device while cleaning the buttons. Tip: temporarily switch off the power in the fuse box; Stoves usually have their own switch.

Cutting board
Whether wood or plastic, opinions differ. Plastic boards have the advantage that you can put them in the dishwasher; The advocates of the wood variant like the pleasant cutting feeling or want to avoid plastic chips in the food. In terms of hygiene, both are equally bad. Experts recommend a minimum cleaning temperature of 60 ° C to kill dangerous germs – especially when cutting meat. Thereafter, cutting boards should immediately air dry.

11.4 million germs per square centimeter counted US researchers in private refrigerators. On the toilet seat there were on average only 100. Although not every germ is harmful to health, disgusting is such a dirt density but always. Above all, the inner back wall, where the condensation collects, is a paradise for mold, bacteria and other germs. One may not like to think how much of it goes on the food! At the same time, only 50 percent of Germans clean their refrigerator more than once a month. One in five even cleans it less than every three months.

There are inventions that give us a feeling of security, but avoid the problem. For example, several manufacturers offer electric soap dispensers for home use, which can be operated without contact thanks to a sensor. However, as long as the faucet is not triggered by a sensor, the purchase of the electric soap dispenser was in vain. Because every second faucet a critical concentration of bacilli and intestinal bacteria was detected.

Tea towel
The kitchen is sometimes hectic. While one was busy with the meatballs, the spinach on the stove is threatening to coagulate. Since the hands are rinsed rather casually and – because nothing else is tangible – wiped on the dishcloth. The same dishcloth should later but still polish the glasses? Every third tea towel is overly heavily germinated, according to one study. Only in a few households do they end up in the kitchen linen daily. But they should, at least 60 ° C with heavy duty detergent.

The sprouting crown, however, is due to the sponge. The germs there exceed the dirt of an average toilet seat by 200,000 times! Unfortunately, no household tricks such as killing germs in the microwave help. Research has shown that heating only reduces the number of non-hazardous microbes. The pathogens could then spread all the more carefree. So even if the sponge looks good on the outside, it should end up in the dustbin or kitchen linen after a few days at the latest.

You can also overdo it with the cleaning. Against 99 percent of germs, humans are immune. The excessive use of chemical cleaning agents is also suspected to favor allergies. However, one can minimize the risk of infectious diseases, if one observes certain hygiene measures. In addition to sponge, faucet & Co. this is especially the hand washing. Not even every third man uses soap and water after going to the toilet. Ugh spider!